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Supporting Education at Cambridge

Reading Lists Online

READING LISTS ONLINEInformation for Administrators

Reading Lists Online provide easy access to your course reading lists. They show the location and availability of print books and link to electronic books, articles and websites, videos and digitised chapters.

Items on a list may be tagged with ‘Essential’, ‘Recommended’ or ‘Further reading’. Any essential or recommended items will be given priority by libraries when purchasing copies (usually in e-format).


Examples of Online Reading Lists

Roles in creating Reading Lists Online using Leganto

The Libraries:

  • Add reading list content  for courses into Leganto and adding to Moodle as requested
  • Train colleagues locally who wish to create reading lists themselves
  • Liaise with academic colleagues regarding content of the lists with respect to online, out-of-print, and access issues
  • Rollover lists from one year to another in July/August
  • Improve discoverability of resources by de-duplicating records and improving catalogue records
  • Review and gather feedback on the service

Course (academic or administrative) organisers:

  • Provide students with relevant course reading lists, with appropriate content notes for students
  • Ensure that students know where and how to find their Leganto reading lists
  • Make use of prioritised readings, making requests for digitised copies where required
  • Regularly (annually) review reading lists and ensure libraries receive lists two months prior to the resources being required by students.

What are Cambridge students saying about the new reading list system?

CUSU Education Rep:

I like the labelling of 'required reading' and 'further reading', that they can specify book chapter or book (and that there's space to make comments like specifying further which pages are useful), and that they can add content notes. They're very slick and I would have found them so helpful during my degree instead of having to manually search for each book and then scanned chapters being in a different place on Moodle - so I never checked them.” 


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