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Resources for My Subject

Zoology: Physical Resources

Zoology Resources in Cambridge

Specialist print resources and library help is available via the Zoology Department Library.

There are many other libraries in Cambridge which may also hold useful collections for your subject.

We recommend:

Biological Sciences Libraries

University Library

Betty & Gordon Moore Library

History and Philosophy of Science

A full list of all the libraries in Cambridge can be found on the Libraries Directory

Finding Physical Resources

Any physical resources can be found by searching on IDiscover, the University of Cambridge Libraries catalogue. Filter by resource types or for the Libraries you wish to use. Many of our libraries have a dedicated computer you can use to access the iDiscover Calatogue, but you can also access the catalogue from your own computer, or even using your mobile phone.

Electronic Legal Deposit

Found an item on iDiscover that looks really good but you get a message telling you that "online access is restricted" and you have to use a "designated PC"? Not to worry. There's a Guide to help you with that!

The Zoology Library has a designated PC and items can be viewed during library opening hours. Printing is also available, subject to copyright regulations, via the University's DS-Print system.

Discover Your Libraries

With lots of libraries dotted across Cambridge, it can be difficult to get to them all, so check out our virtual library induction from the Biological Sciences Libraries Team.


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By using your browser's inbuilt location service, Spacefinder will show you what places are available for you to work in and that are near to you. You can even filter results by what you want to do, what sort of atmosphere you want, or if you want to be able to buy a cup of coffee to fuel your study session! Handy!

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