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Study Skills

Wolfson College Academic Skills: Home page

Help with finding, managing and using information from the Wolfson Library Team.

This LibGuide has been put together by the Wolfson College Library team to help you get the most from information resources and develop your academic skills. Browse the themes below to find tips and tools relevant to your stage of study or research. 

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us: email Laura, the College Librarian or Alberto Garcia, Academic Skills Librarian. We are here to support you throughout your degree either one-to-one or through the WolfWorks programme of academic skills workshops: visit our webpage for more information and to book places.

The Wolfson Library is open 24/7. Find out all about it in our Welcome video.

Guide contents

Click on the images below to access the different parts of this guide.

Literature searching

Managing references

Speed reading

Using feedback

Finishing off your thesis

Copyright and plagiarism

glasses resting on papers

Using AI for academic purposes

Note making

Finding resources on a reading list

Academic writing

Keeping up to date with new research

Working remotely

Time management

Reflection and setting goals

Critical evaluation

Digital wellbeing

Research data management

Publishing research

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