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Genetics: Home


Welcome to the subject resource guide for Genetics!

There are many specialist print and online resources for Genetics in Cambridge. These pages give you an overview of the range of resources that our libraries can offer. Whether you are a first year undergraduate, PhD student, early career researcher, or long-serving academic staff member, this subject guide has something for you!

On this guide, you'll find:

  • Information about brilliant resources, both print and online, that you have access to in Cambridge
  • Recommended resources, with tips on accessing and using them
  • Help and guidance for researchers
  • Details and links to training and skills support for students and researchers

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Meet the Library team

Scopus is a navigation tool covering the world's largest collection of abstracts, references and indexes of scientific, technical and medical (STM) literature. Seamless links to full-text articles and other library resources make Scopus quick, easy and comprehensive.

Search the library catalogue, iDiscover, for print and online resources
Search BrowZine for a browsable journal experience

BrowZine allows you to browse online journals as you would if they were on the library shelves, and creates seamless access to full text material where held.

Profile Photo
Lucy Woolhouse
Genetics Library
Department of Genetics
University of Cambridge
Downing Street
Cambridge CB2 3EH

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