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POLIS (Politics and International Studies): Home

POLIS Collections in Cambridge

There are many specialist print and online resources for POLIS in Cambridge.  These pages give you an overview of the resources and research support that libraries can offer.

Our Library

The Seeley Historical Library

The Seeley is the library for the Politics and International Studies (POLIS) department. As a primarily undergraduate library, the Seeley aims to hold a copy of all items on relevant reading lists and therefore specialises in areas that are deemed important by the academic community.

See our library website for further information, including visiting the library and opening times.

Using Journal Articles

If you're looking for a specific item, the easiest way to track it down is by using the library catalogue, iDiscover. Type a few words from the article's title into the search box. If the article is available online (and many of them are) then you should be able to get to it directly by clicking 'Full text available'. If it isn't online, then iDiscover will tell you where copies of the print journal can be found.

If you're looking for articles on a given topic, add a few keywords to the search box on iDiscover. Be careful with your search terms, and try synonyms if you're not getting the results you hoped for.

iDiscover logo

You can see the whole list of journals the university subscribes to on the ejournals website. Other useful ways to search for journal articles include Google Scholar, Project Muse and JStor.

How to get further information...

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